[Valledolmo Paradise 2030]
SCHEDULE OF 'Valledolmo Paradise 2030' : 2023 Summer School Workshop
COURSE : Field Research and Documentation_Cultural Resources of Urban Environment(II) / PNU
[Notice on Time Difference between countries]
- Korea & Japan 17:00 = China 16:00 = Italy & Austria 10:00 = USA(N.Y.) 04:0
- Please consider the time in schedule below is Korean/Japanese time.
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Online session
2023. 7. 24(Mon.) ~ 2023. 7. 28(Fri.) - Online lecture & workshop(session_1)/one week – organised by University of Palermo
[CAMPUS Asia::SUAE PNU - Zoom Meeting Room]
zoomlink ->
(Meeting ID : 831 1586 5138/ Password : 174970)
7.24(Mon.) : 17:00-19:00 Lectures 1st day
Opening and welcome greetings from the CAMPUS_Asia Plus::SUAE_Asia Program
-Prof. Inhee Lee (PNU), Prof. Renzo Lecardane (University of Palermo),Dott. Angelo Conti (Mayor of Valledolmo)
Possible futures for rural small towns in Sicily. Valledolmo 2030: Strategies and Projects
-Prof. Renzo Lecardane (Architectural and Urban Design, University of Palermo)
To build by gaze: photography and urban landscape nowadays
-Filippo Nicoletti, photographer
7.25(Tue.) : 17:00-19:00 Lectures 2nd day
Living the transition in Small Towns in Sicily - Programme of Social Housing Community in Valledolmo
-Paola La Scala (Ph.D., University of Palermo)
★Document sharing: Trasversale sicula, Small towns in Sicily ->
★Project area neighbourhood Roccafanara in Valledolmo -> Groups and Areas.docx(download)
01. Booklet 1.pdf |
01. Reference project_booklet.pdf | 01. Groups and Areas_Final_assigned.pdf
02. Booklet 2_ Area A.pdf | 02. Booklet 2_ Area B.pdf | 02. Booklet 2_ Area C.pdf | 02. Booklet 2_ Area D.pdf
What is Sicily for? The process of regional spatial planning addressing the spatial transformations for the rebalancing between coast and inland areas: social equity and eco-sustainable economic development of smaller centers
-Prof. Ferdinando Trapani (Urban Planner, University of Palermo)
7.26(Wed.) : 17:00-19:00 Lectures 3rd day
Living as a new territorial act
-Fabrizio Ferreri (Research Fellow, University of Catania, Department of Political and Social Sciences)
Saperi Territorializzati: an independent project against marginalization
-Emidio Ranieri Tomeo (Musician and musicologist, Co-founder, Centro Indipendente Studi Alta Valle del Volturno)
-Nicole Di Sandro (Communication specialist and Head of Communication, Centro Indipendente Studi Alta Valle del Volturno)
7.27(Thu.) : 17:00-19:00 Lectures 4th day
Spatial equity: where? How?
-Prof. Guido Cimadomo (Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, Universidad de Málaga)
Madonie Living Lab. An innovation lab in the hearth of Madonie
-Prof. Salvatore Di Dio (Associate Professor of Design, University of Palermo)
-Emilia Pardi (Applied researcher and project manager, PUSH)
7.28(Fri.) : 17:00-19:00 Lectures 5th day
An innovative reuse project for the ghost town of Craco
-Prof. Giuseppe Fallacara (Full professor, Dep. ArCoD, Polytechnic University of Bari)
-Ilaria Cavaliere (Ph.D. candidate, Dep. ArCoD, Polytechnic University of Bari)
-Dario Costantino (Ph.D. candidate, Dep. ArCoD, Polytechnic University of Bari)
Modular architecture for sustainable housing
-Bianca Andaloro (Ph.D., University of Palermo)
2023. 7. 31(Mon.) – 2023. 8. 11(Fri.) - Online lecture & workshop(session_2)/two weeks – organised by Pusan National University
[CAMPUS Asia::SUAE PNU - Zoom Meeting Room]
zoomlink ->
(Meeting ID : 831 1586 5138/ Password : 174970)
8.1(Tue.) : 17:00-19:00 Lectures 1st day
Programme for a project of Social Housing Community in Valledolmo ->pdf(download)
-Prof. Mladen Jadric (Vienna University of Technology)
-> Prof.Mladen Jadric shares his book link. Please download the book about Social Housing in Vienna by: Mladen Jadric (TU Vienna) & Dijana Alic (UNSW, Sydney): AT HOME IN VIENNA | Zu Hause in Wien,
Syracuse Social Housing Community
-Prof. Daekwon Park (Syracuse University)
8.3(Thu.) : 15:00-17:00 Lectures 2nd day
The Integral Role of Urban Design in improving Urban Land Use Efficiency
-Prof. Divigalpitiya Prasanna (Kyushu University)
8.4(Fri.) : 17:00-19:00 Lectures 3rd day
Collective Housing Issues in Contemporary Architectural Design
-Prof. Zeila Tesoriere (Architectural and Urban Design, University of Palermo)
Public Green for Community : Assessing and Design
-Prof. Nannan DONG (Tongji University)
8.7(Mon.) : 17:00-19:00 Student advancement
Each team’s introduction & brief presentation
-Team introduction and their understanding of the site / PPT 5 sheets(No submission)
8.8(Tue.) : Student advancement
-Research, mapping, preliminary drawings by students
8.9(Wed.) : Student advancement
-Research, mapping, preliminary drawings by students
8.10(Thu.) : Student advancement
-Research, mapping, preliminary drawings by students
8.11(Fri.) : 17:00-19:00 Student advancement
Submission & Presentation
-Participants submit their understanding in the form of a simple draft and present them simply and freely
*Assignment : Site analysis and Team's brief vision
*Submission Format : a PowerPoint Presentation File of 10-15 sheets for each group
*Submission Deadline : PM 16 : 00, 11.08 (fri) / To.
On-site session
2023. 9. 11(Mon.) – 2023. 9. 15(Fri.) - On-site Workshop at Valledolmo~!/one weeks
9.11(Mon.) : 1st day of on-site session
-09:30/@Stagnone : Opening and welcome greetings from CAMPUS_Asia Plus Program - Prof. Inhee Lee, PNU, Prof. Renzo Lecardane, UNIPA, Dott. Angelo Conti, Mayor
-11:00 : Site visit - Roccafanara district in Valledolmo
-16:30-18h30/@Former electric factory - Opening meeting, Professors and Tutors
9.12(Tue.) : 2nd day of on-site session
-11:00 : Lecture/Amici delle Vie dei Tesori Marco Coico, vice-president
-17:30/Coach transfer : Excursion and meeting with the social cooperative Verbumcaudo
9.13(Wed.) : 3rd day of on-site session
-14:30-16:00/@Stagnone : 1st Submission + critique session “Philosophy and Idea”: Discussion in the community
-17:30/Coach transfer : Excursion and meeting with Sicilian wine company Regaleali, Ta sca d’Almerita
9.14(Thu.) : 4th day of on-site session
-12:00 : Lecture - Prof. Shinkoo Woo(Pusan National University)
9.15(Fri.) : 5th day of on-site session
-11:00/@Stagnone :Final submission - Poster 90x90 (see format), Video 3-4 mins, Dossier (.word) 10 pages
-11:00/@Former electric factory : Final jury, Professors and Tutors
-14:30-16:00/@Stagnone : Critique session
-18:00/@Stagnone : Prize ceremony - Community gathering & Closing ceremony
2023. 9. 16(Sat.) – 2023. 9. 22(Fri.) - Grand Tour
h3>Lectures & Videos
YouTube video will be activated after the lecture
Prof. Renzo Lecardane (Architectural and Urban Design, University of Palermo)/ 24. July
Possible futures for rural small towns in Sicily. Valledolmo 2030: Strategies and Projects
Filippo Nicoletti, photographer / 24. July
Paola La Scala (Ph.D., University of Palermo) / 25. July
Living the transition in Small Towns in Sicily - Programme of Social Housing Community in Valledolmo
Prof. Ferdinando Trapani (Urban Planner, University of Palermo) / 25. July
Fabrizio Ferreri (Research Fellow, University of Catania, Department of Political and Social Sciences) / 26. July
Emidio Ranieri Tomeo (Musician and musicologist, Co-founder, Centro Indipendente Studi Alta Valle del Volturno) & Nicole Di Sandro (Communication specialist and Head of Communication, Centro Indipendente Studi Alta Valle del Volturno) / 26. July
Saperi Territorializzati: an independent project against marginalization
Prof. Guido Cimadomo (Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, Universidad de Málaga) / 27. July
Prof. Salvatore Di Dio (Associate Professor of Design, University of Palermo) & Emilia Pardi (Applied researcher and project manager, PUSH) / 27. July
Madonie Living Lab. An innovation lab in the hearth of Madonie
Prof. Giuseppe Fallacara (Full professor, Dep. ArCoD, Polytechnic University of Bari), Ilaria Cavaliere (Ph.D. candidate, Dep. ArCoD, Polytechnic University of Bari), Dario Costantino (Ph.D. candidate, Dep. ArCoD, Polytechnic University of Bari) / 28. July
Bianca Andaloro (Ph.D., University of Palermo) / 28. July
Prof. Mladen Jadric (Vienna University of Technology) / 2. Sept.
Programme for a project of Social Housing Community in Valledolmo
Prof. Daekwon Park (Syracuse University) / 2. Sept.
Prof. Divigalpitiya Prasanna (Kyushu University) / 3. Sept.
The Integral Role of Urban Design in improving Urban Land Use Efficiency
Prof. Zeila Tesoriere (Architectural and Urban Design, University of Palermo) / 4. Sept.
Collective Housing Issues in Contemporary Architectural Designy