[ Idea for a Visitor Center on the Mountain of Semmering, in the Alps region of Lower Austria]

SCHEDULE OF 'SOMMERFRISCHE' : 2021 Summer School Workshop

COURSE : Architectural Design Workshop + Field Research and Documentation_Cultural Resources of Urban Environment(I) / PNU

[Notice on Time Difference between countries]
- 17:00 / Korea & Japan = 16:00 / China = 10:00 / Italy and Austria
- Please consider the time in schedule below is Korean/Japanese time.

Lecture Session : 2021. 8. 2(Mon.) ~ 2021. 8. 6(Fri.)

-> Materials of lecture can be downloaded at below and video of lecture will be shared on YouTube during workshop

8.2(Mon.) : 17:00-19:00 (Zoom Live)

Opening, introduction and welcoming, Sharing the materials and data including materials and digital data of site and Semmering, Preliminary work of design / Open the web-site of “SOMMERFRISCHE”

Introduction : Theme and Assignment by Prof. LEE Inhee (Program Director, Pusan National University, Korea)

Lecture <1> : Architecture and Topography of Semmering by Prof. JADRIC Mladen (Program Co-Director, Vienna University of Technology, Austria)

8.3(Tue.) : 17:00 - 19:00 Lecture and Discussion (Zoom Live)

Lecture <2> : The Natural and Cultural Landscape of Semmering by Prof. Auböck Maria (Vienna University of Technology, Austria)

8.4(Wed.) : 17:00 - 19:00 Lecture and Discussion (Zoom Live)

Lecture <3> : Temporary Experience in Architecture by Prof. LECARDANE Renzo (Palermo University, Italy)

8.5(Thu.) : 17:00 - 19:00 Lecture and Discussion (Zoom Live or Video)

Lecture <4> : Designing with nature: the experiment of Kyushu University new campus project by Prof. DIVIGALPITIYA Prasanna (Kyushu University, Japan)

8.6(Fri.) : 17:00 - 19:00 Lecture and Discussion (Zoom Live)

Lecture <5> : Hillside Architecture Design and Chinese Traditional Cases by Prof. HU Yanzhe (Tongji University, China)

[CAMPUS Asia::SUAE PNU - Zoom Meeting Room]

We will use this link and ID for the program. ->
Meeting ID : 415 544 8534, Password : 046715

Workshop Session : 2021. 8. 9(Mon.) ~ 2021. 8. 20(Fri.)

8.9(Mon.) 1st Submission

~24:00 1st Submission : 'Philosophy and Idea(2pages/A4 of pdf file)' should be submitted to no later than 24:00 8.9(Mon.)
-> Files submitted by every teams will be uploaded on team's web-page at next day morning.

8.10(Tue.) 17:00-18:50 First Presentation & Critic (Zoom Live)

-> One scientific coordinators or tutor will share two teams for critic.
-> On the presentation of design idea documents and PPT by teams(5minute/team), scientific committee and tutors will give short comments(1-2 minute/team) for shared two teams. There is no limit of PPT slide-page.

Order of presentation(17:05~)

Team_Global Family / critic Prof. Mladen Jadric
Team_The Rock / critic Prof. Mladen Jadric
Team_Karaage-KatsuDon / critic Prof. PARK Changbae
Team_EMPAFE / critic Prof. PARK Changbae
Team_SZ / critic Dr. Paola LA SCALA
Team_con-create / critic Dr. Paola LA SCALA
Team_I’m Leader / critic Prof. HU Yanzhe
Team_三国子 / critic Prof. HU Yanzhe
Team_Tokyo Olympic Dream Team / critic Prof. CHUNG Jaehoon
Team_CALATOTLE / critic Prof. CHUNG Jaehoon
Team _KaTaSa / critic Prof. LEE Inhee
Team_TALENT’S CHOICE / critic Prof. LEE Inhee
General Review / Prof. Auböck Maria

8.13(Fri.)2nd. Submission

~24:00 2nd. Submission : initial modeling files(.skp)' should be submitted to no later than 24:00 8.13(Fri.)
-> Files submitted by every teams will be uploaded on team's web-page at next day morning.

8.16(Mon.)3rd. Submission

(please confirm the revised material of 3rd submission)

~24:00 3rd Submission : Preliminary documents(3pages/A4 of pdf file) + video(1:45 max.200mb) file should be submitted to before 24:00 8.16(Mon.) -> ... revised modeling file was replaced with video(1:45 max.200mb) file due to the opinion of committee.
-> Please do not missing the submission because your documents and files of 3rd submission should be materials of evaluation for prize.
-> All files submitted by every teams will be uploaded on team's web-page and shared with jury(scientific committee) for the prize-evaluation

8.17(Tue.)Web Exhibition / Mid-evaluation for prize by jury

~15:00 Prize-evaluation - Evaluation by jury will be finished before 15:00 8.17(Tue.) and evaluation sheets should be sent to also.

8.18(Wed.)Announcement of prize

09:00 : Result of prize-evaluation will be announced on the web and prize money will be awarded by transfer to each team's bank account at afternoon of 8.23th(Mon.)

8.20(Fri.)17:00-19:00 Final Presentation & Critic (Zoom Live)

(please confirm the revised material of final submission)

15:00 Final Submission : final documents(10 pages of provided format) + video(3:00 max.400mb) file to no later than 15:00.
-> ... final modeling file was replaced with video(3:00 max.400mb) file due to the opinion of committee. Submitted documents and files will be shared by uploading on web-site.
-> At the presentation of each team, submitted video will be played by CAMPUS_Asia office, students can have oral presentation for 1 minute after video watching. Presentation will be followed by critic(1-2 minute/team) by scientific coordinators or tutor also.

Order of presentation(17:05~) -> rearranged due to the submission delay

Team_Global Family / critic Prof. Mladen Jadric
Team_The Rock / critic Prof. Mladen Jadric
Team_EMPAFE / critic Prof. WOO Shinkoo
Team_con-create / critic Prof. Renzo Lecardane
Team_I’m Leader / critic Prof. HU Yanzhe
Team_三国子 / critic Prof. HU Yanzhe
Team _KaTaSa / critic Prof. DIVIGALPITIYA Prasanna
Team_Karaage-KatsuDon / critic Prof. WOO Shinkoo
Team_SZ / critic Prof. Renzo Lecardane
Team_Tokyo Olympic Dream Team / critic Prof. CHUNG Jaehoon
Team_CALATOTLE / critic Prof. CHUNG Jaehoon
Team_TALENT’S CHOICE / critic Prof. DIVIGALPITIYA Prasanna
General Review / Prof. Auböck Maria

-> final document format(.doc) ... final documents will be included in the publishing.

Lectures & Videos

Materials of lecture can be downloaded at below and video of lecture will be shared on YouTube during workshop

Theme & Assignment

Introduction of Theme & Assignment file by Prof. LEE Inhee(Program Director), PNU