[Idea for a Visitor Center on the Mountain of Semmering, in the Alps region of Lower Austria]
CAMPUS_Asia::SUAE_Asia 2021 Summer School Workshop
COURSE : Architectural Design Workshop+Field Research and Documentation_Cultural Resources of Urban Environment(I) / PNU
CAMPUS_Asia::SUAE_Asia Program is dual degree program between Architecture Department of Kyushu University, Tongji University and Pusan National University, aimed at enhancing the education of urban and architectural environment by developing knowledgeand skill to achieve sustainable cities and buildings in Asia. Program, as a Korea UNESCO ESD(Education for Sustainable Development) Official Project assigned by Korean National Commission of UNESCO, currently focusing on present urban and architectural problems and enlarging education opportunity to promote the practice of resilient design, accessibility and inclusive urban design and development which are adequately addressed in the UNESCO events, outcomes and publications.
The world demanding greater cooperation rather than protectionism, acknowledgement of heterogeneity rather than homogeneity. Morever balance between nature, architecture and human is adequately responsive to the direction of how the world is moving. 2021 Summer School program is to provide an architectural facilities for the area that will attract various visitors and act as a gathering point. The building should also provide a space for information center and the place to rest and exchange for visitors, with a close connection to the surrounding nature and scenery.
On behalf of CAMPUS_Asia::SUAE_Asia Program, 2021 Summer School pleasantly invite two universities from Europe, Vienna University of Technology from Austria and University of Palermo from Italy, as guest partner university and every proposals will be included in publication that will be published at next year and your contribution will be acknowledged too.
CAMPUS Asia::SUAE Asia(PNU) + BK21 Four_Research and Education Program for Living SOC Innovative Design(PNU) + Architectural Design Human Resource Development Project(PNU)
Committee Organization
Program Director
Prof. LEE Inhee, Pusan National University, Korea
Prof. Mladen Jadric, Vienna University of Technology, Austria(Co-director)
Scientific Committee
Prof. Mladen Jadric, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Prof. Renzo LECARDANE, University of Palermo, Italy
Prof. ZHANG Li, Tongji University, China
Prof. DIVIGALPITIYA Prasanna, Kyushu University, Japan
Prof. WOO Shinkoo, Pusan National University, Korea
Prof. PARK Changbae, Pusan National University, Korea
Prof. YOO Jaewoo, Pusan National University, Korea
Coordinator & Tutor
Federica Rizzo, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Paola LA SCALA(PhD). University of Palermo, Italy
Prof. Yanze HU, Tongji University, China
Prof. DIVIGALPITIYA Prasanna, Kyushu University, Japan
Prof. CHUNG Jaehoon, Pusan National University, Korea
The idea, for 'Visitor Center' on the Mountain of Semmering, is to provide an architectural place for the facilities that will attract various visitors and act as a gathering point. The facilities should also provide a space for rest and recess for visitors and the local community with a close connection to the surrounding nature and scenery. There are no limits of hight and area of buildings, and specific functional program can be freely organized for your idea. It is expected that you will use your expertise as students to create considerate and thoughtful sustainable architecture cares about both the nature and us people who seek recreation and relaxation. With this in mind, we are asking for students to invent a piece of vernacular architecture that will be environmentally reconcile with a minimal carbon footprint.
Lecture Session : 2021. 8. 2(Mon.) ~ 2021. 8. 6(Fri.)
- Lecture Series, sharing materials and digital data and Preliminary design
Workshop Sessionn : 2021. 8. 9(Mon.) ~ 2021. 8. 20(Fri.)
- Team-work / Presentation & Critic with discussion
The site is located in a steep mountain area along the Hochstrasse(road) between Hotel Panhans and the Südbahnhotel. It provides views towards the impressive panoramic landscape of the Viennese Alps. Location of your project can be selected in the area by your self. any location and area will be available if its part is connected with Hochstrasse(street).
Map link : Google Map
Latitude & Longitude : 47°38'33.22"N + 15°49'51.22"E
Digital files of topography -> DWG | Sketch-up file
walking Hochstrasse(video) by Prof. Jadric's lab -> Video