Team _KaTaSa
Vienna University of Technology : Karla Pejic, Tamara Antic , Sara Borjanovic
CAMPUS_Asia::SUAE_Asia 2021 Summer School Workshop
Vienna University of Technology : Karla Pejic, Tamara Antic , Sara Borjanovic
Kyushu University : Zhao Qiyun, Kone Youma-Mariam, Lian Haichao
Kyushu University : Hiramatsu Towa, Bai Yibing, Chen Yutong
Kyushu University : Takamatsu Kazuki, Chikwanha Takudzwa, Ge Yi
Palermo University : Sarah Rosa Torregrossa, Simona Ragolia, Antonino Caputo
Palermo University : Paola Lattuca, Emanuela Papia, Felicia Manasseri
Tongji University : Jung Yueun, Sun Wantong, Zhuang Yun
Tongji University : Yang Chengxi, Lu Zhuwei, He Chenxi
Tongji University : Xu Zebing, Li Ningcongying, Huang Zhao
Pusan National University : Kim Gyubeom, Jung Uiin, Lee Seunghun, Heo Dongnyeong
Pusan National University : Park Min Seong, Lee Ye In, Park Gyeong Bo
Pusan National University : Sangjin Moon, Wonji Lee, Jonghyun Baek
The German word refers to both the seasonal relocation from the city to the countryside and the destination, is defined as "recreational stay of the townspeople in the countryside during summer time" or "the desire of the townspeople in summer". In Austria, the summer resort had a long tradition and was also a status symbol, especially in upper social classes. Moving from the quarter in the city to the country estate was already common among the nobility in antiquity. The reasons are initially primarily economic, the nobility had to look after the farm in the summer, which formed the economic basis of his rule. "Holiday" time was then in winter, where agriculture rests. You could move to the city and participate in social life. In addition, it was also estimated to be able to escape the city's precarious hygienic conditions in the summer. - translated from web-site :
2021.8.20(Fri.) Kookje News Paper(국제신문)
| 2021.8.20(Fri.) Busan News Paper(부산일보)
2021.8.20(Fri.) Veritas Alpha(베리타스알파)
2021.8.20(Fri.) CNB News(CNB 뉴스)
2021.8.20(Fri.) SISA News(시사뉴스)
2021.8.20(Fri.) E News Today(이뉴스투데이)
CAMPUS_Asia::SUAE_Asia Program is dual degree program between Architecture Department of Kyushu University, Tongji University and Pusan National University, aimed at enhancing the education of urban and architectural environment by developing knowledgeand skill to achieve sustainable cities and buildings in Asia. Program, as a Korea UNESCO ESD(Education for Sustainable Development) Official Project assigned by Korean National Commission of UNESCO, currently focusing on present urban and architectural problems and enlarging education opportunity to promote the practice of resilient design, accessibility and inclusive urban design and development which are adequately addressed in the UNESCO events, outcomes and publications.
The world demanding greater cooperation rather than protectionism, acknowledgement of heterogeneity rather than homogeneity. Morever balance between nature, architecture and human is adequately responsive to the direction of how the world is moving. 2021 Summer School program is to provide an architectural facilities for the area that will attract various visitors and act as a gathering point. The building should also provide a space for information center and the place to rest and exchange for visitors, with a close connection to the surrounding nature and scenery.
On behalf of CAMPUS_Asia::SUAE_Asia Program, 2021 Summer School pleasantly invite two universities from Europe, Vienna University of Technology from Austria and University of Palermo from Italy, as guest partner university and every proposals will be included in publication that will be published at next year and your contribution will be acknowledged too.
Materials of lecture can be downloaded at below and video of lecture will be shared on YouTube during workshop
Introduction of Theme & Assignment file by Prof. LEE Inhee(Program Director), PNU
Lecture file by Prof. JADRIC Mladen(Program Co-Director), Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Lecture file by Prof. Prof. Auböck Maria, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
Lecture video by Prof. Prof. LECARDANE Renzo, Palermo University, Italy
Lecture file by by Prof. DIVIGALPITIYA Prasanna, Kyushu University, Japan
Lecture file by Prof. HU Yanzhe, Tongji University, China