ARCHIVES of 'SoHo rezoning'

[Envision how SoHo evolves, what building and urban typologies emerge -SoHo/NoHo, Manhattan, NYC, USA]

ARCHIVES OF 'SoHo rezoning' : 2022 Winter School Workshop

COURSE : Architectural Design workshop + Field Research and Documentation_Cultural Resources of Urban Environment(II) / PNU


Tongji University : Jiang Jiaqi, Liu Chen, Zhang Yudi
-> 安得广厦千万间,大庇天下寒士俱欢颜 Where can I get thousands of big broad houses to shelter the poor all over the world so that they can share with smiling faces?

The 1st. Submission

-> Philosophy and Idea

The 2nd. Submission

-> document | video

Final. Submission

-> document | video