Urban Planning & Design
Professor Takeru Sakai / KYU(JDP+DDP)
[Field of Specialization]
City Planning, Urban Design, Landscape Design, Public Space Planning, Campus Planning
[Research Topics]
- Environment of the City and University Campus
- Exchange Environment in the City
- Urban Landscape/ Townscape
- Management of Urban Environment in Asian Cities
[Field of Specialization]
Design and Theory of Urban Space and Architecture: Participating in Various Projects of Urban Design, Public Design, Community Development
[Research Interest]
- Investigation of the current status of idle space and analysis of occurrence patterns: Spatial structural analysis of idle space as a spatial indicator of urban decline, and analysis of problems by a decline of local cities from the urban structural level.
- Analytical approach to spatial decline, as if solving the problem of idle space occurring in naturally-formed, sloping residential areas by a revitalization of alleyways in the spatial structural dimension.
- In response to the era of urban reduction in the future, analyze spatially urban decline and establish the predictive model. And propose architectural design and planning techniques that can preemptively respond to declining cities.
- Analysis of declining changes on spatial structure and architectural changes in the enforced migrant area, the representative old residential area of Busan City, and deduction of urban regeneration proposals taking this into account.
Professor Zhao Shichen / KYU(DDP)
[Field of Specialization]
Urban Planning, Urban Analysis
[Research Interest]
- Features of pedestrian spatial continuity in European urban morphology
- Reproduction of the viewpoint field, the location of the painter’s point of view, in urban landscape paintings
- Examination on the alternation of modern developed cities in the Western countries, employing image recognition technology
- How site planning of medical institutions should be for urban redevelopment
- Urban histories of Japan and other Asian countries
[Field of Specialization]
Architecture and Cultural Studies
[Research Interest]
- Understanding and analyzing urban phenomena : Research is particularly focused on
analyzing the principles of landscape composition. Recent works are mainly to analyze the process of individual selecting materials and colors on the overall landscape in residential and commercial spaces.
- Support for an alternative management system for local cities : In the capital area, the framework of regional urban planning still tends to remain in growth management, while local cities need to seek a separate management system. Therefore, we support problem solving through the proposal of a new management system to solve the social problem of local urban decline.
- ∙Consulting on how to utilize idle space : Research on the utilization of idle space in the era of declining urban density and population with the oal of finding the direction to change in the period of decline of the urban management system during the growth period.
Professor Takefumi Kurose / KYU(DDP)
Takefumi Kurose is currently an associate professor at the Department of architecture and urban design, Faculty of Human-Environment Studies, Kyushu University, where he teaches classes in urban planning and design. Takefumi started his career of urban design at Nikken Sekkei Ltd. and he was appointed to Assistant professor of Urban design lab. at the University of Tokyo (2010-2016). His research interests include urban design for shrinking cities, revitalization of brownfield site in industrial city and privately owned public space. Takefumi holds a B.Eng., M.Eng. and Ph. D from the department of Urban Engineering, the University of Tokyo.
[Field of Specialization]
Urban Planning, Urban Design
[Research Interest]
- Urban design for depopulation society
- Creation and management of public spaces by private urban development
- Regeneration of Brownfield and Inner harbors
- Urban design based on the formation process of urban space
Associate Professor NAOKI TSURUSAKI / KYU(JDP+DDP)
My research focused on space models of sustainable university campus and research educational facility, Research on characteristics of university campus master plans, collaborative planning system between university campus and region, Research on cooperation with the university, and the city and the area in plan level, Research on regeneration design of urban and local area, Research on establishment of green building design theory
[Field of Specialization]
Architectural Planning, Urban Design, Campus Design
[Research Interest]
- Identity and Redesign of Urban Area
- Spatial Characteristics and Activities in Urban Area and Campus
- Collaboration between University and City
- Research on University Campus Design
Associate Professor Prasanna Divigalpitiya / KYU(JDP+DDP)
[Field of Specialization]
Urban land-use planning
[Research Interest]
- Measuring urbanization and simulating future urbanization patterns
- Integration of land-use and transportation in urban planning, specifically: transit-oriented development, 15-minute city
- Economic and social needs of urban spaces in rapidly growing cities