[Inventing the Natural and Harmonious Cinema Paradise Places in the Valley Bolognetta, Palermo, Sicily]

SCHEDULE OF 'CINEMA PARADISE' : 2021 Winter School Workshop

COURSE : Field Research and Documentation_Cultural Resources of Urban Environment(II) / PNU

[Notice on Time Difference between countries]
- 18:00 / Korea & Japan = 17:00 / China = 10:00 / Italy and Austria
- Please consider the time in schedule below is Korean/Japanese time.

Preparatory Session : 2021. 2. 8(Mon.) ~ 2021. 2. 12(Fri.)

8th Feb. :

Open the web-site CINEM PARADISE" - Informations about program, schedule and participants / teams will be available and materials and data of site can be downloaded from the web site.

8th ~ 12nd. Feb. :

Informations and materials on the web-site will be updated by times. Participants can learn the philosophy of Cinema Paradiso and and recognize the relationship between philosophy and the natural environment on the site during preparatory week. Morever, Preparation of something else for development of thier idea will be also available.

12nd. Feb. 18:00 :

Informal connection - open to all students and tutors by ZOOM. Introduction, discussion and sharing the thoughts and informations will be available.
Meeting ID : 415 544 8534. Password : 046715

Online Workshop Session/ZOOM : 2021. 2. 15(Mon.) ~ 2021. 2. 26(Fri.)

2.15(Mon.) Feb.

18:00 : Opening/ short introduction of participants and program
18:20 : welcoming from special guests, Prof. Andrea SCIASCIA(Director,DARCH-UNIPA) and Prof. Emanuele PALAZZOTTO, Coordinator of Architecture Master's degree course, UNIPA), Scientific committees and tutors.
18:40 : Introduction of theme 'CINEMA PARADISE' and assignment/Prof. LEE Inhee, Pusan National University, Korea
19:30 : Video lecture [Architecture in Sicily] by Prof. Arch. Zeila TESORIERE (DARCH-UNIPA)
-> discussion will be followed by important notice of the day

2.16(Tue.) Feb.

18:00 : lecture[The territory of the Bolognetta Valley: waterfall and cave of San Nicola] by Prof. Arch. Renzo lecardane (DARCH-UNIPA) and Arch. Paola LA SCALA (PhD) (LabCity Architecture DARCH-UNIPA)
            Video lecture [Places of cinema in Sicily] by Prof. Ivan SCINARDO (Director of the Experimental Center of Cinematography - Rome National Film School - Sicily Office, Facebook
-> discussion will be followed by important notice of the day

2.17(Wed.) Feb.

18:00 : Lecture [Building with nature: the experience of Kyushu University new campus project] by Prof. Prasanna DIVIGALPITIYA, Kyushu University, Japan
-> discussion will be followed by important notice of the day
~24:00 1st Submission : 'Philosophy and Idea' should be submitted to before 24:00 17th Feb.
-> Files submitted by every teams will be uploaded on team's web-page at next day.

2.18(Thu.) Feb.

18:00 : Lecture [Cultural Landscapes] by Prof. Mladen Jadric, Vienna University of Technology, Austria
-> discussion will be followed by important notice of the day

2.19(Fri.) Feb.

18:00 : Lecture [Design activates the countryside - Nature-friendly rural construction strategies] by Prof. DENG Feng, Tongji University, China
~24:00 2nd Submission : initial modeling files(.skp & .kmz) should be submitted to before 24:00 19th Feb.
-> Files submitted by every teams will be uploaded on team's web-page at next day.

2.22(Mon.) Feb.

~24:00 3rd Submission : Preliminary documents(5pages) and revised modeling files(.skp & .kmz) should be submitted to before 24:00 22th Feb.
-> Please do not missing the submission because your documents and files will be evaluated for prize.
-> All files submitted by every teams will be uploaded on team's web-page and shared by jury(scientific committee) for mid-evaluation.

2.23(Tue.) Feb.

~12:00 Mid-evaluation - Evaluation by jury will be finished before 12:00 23rd Feb. and evaluation sheets should be sent to also.

2.24(Wed.) Feb.

09:00 : Result of mid-evaluation will be announced on the web and prize money will be awarded by transfer to each team's bank account before 16:00 of 25th. Feb.

26(Fri.) Feb.

17:00 Final Submission : final documents(10 pages) and modeling files(skp and kmz) to no later than 17:00.
-> Submitted documents and files will be shared by uploading on web-site.
-> One scientific coordinators or tutor will share three teams for critic and will get two hours for writing.
19:00 : Presentation of final design idea documents and PPT by teams(5minute/team), scientific coordinators and tutor will give short comments(1-2 minute/team) for shared three teams.

Zoom Meeting Room : - Meeting ID : 415 544 8534, Password : 046715

Order of presentation(19:05~)

Team _INFINITY / critic Prof. Prasanna DIVIGALPITIYA
Team_LAA Land / critic Prof. Prasanna DIVIGALPITIYA
Team_Survey Corps / critic Prof. Mladen Jadric
Team_FRESHNESS / critic Prof. Prasanna DIVIGALPITIYA
Team_Birds of Prey / critic Prof. LEE Inhee
Team_YOKA! / critic Prof. HU Yanzhe
Team_CineArch / critic Prof. Mladen Jadric
Team_ANDREW / critic Prof. HU Yanzhe
Team_Wiener Melange / critic Prof. HU Yanzhe
Team_TSS / critic Prof. LEE Inhee
Team_LabCity Architecture / critic Prof. Mladen Jadric
Team_JNJ / critic Tutor Paola LA SCALA(PhD)
Team_SUNLIGHT WINNER / critic Tutor Paola LA SCALA(PhD)
Team_FINE / critic Tutor Paola LA SCALA(PhD)

21:00 : closing speech / Prof. Renzo Lecardane, Prof. Andrea Sciascia, University of Palermo, Italy
-> event will be followed by final evaluation and credit(2) transfer. 'Certificate of completion' will be awarded to students by mail too.

-> document format(.doc)

Lectures & Videos

Videos will be shared on YouTube from 2.16 to 26 Feb. and lectures file and materials can be downloaded after lecture.

Places of cinema in Sicily

Lecture video by Prof. Ivan SCINARDO (Director of the Experimental Center of Cinematography - Rome National Film School - Sicily Office) at 16th. Feb.

Cultural Landscapes

Lecture file by Prof. Mladen Jadric(TU Wien) will be uploaded at 17th Feb.

Design activates the countryside - Nature-friendly rural construction strategies

Lecture file by Prof. DENG Feng(Tongji University) will be uploaded at 19th Feb.