Prof. LEE Inhee, Construction Hall 907, office/051-510-7634
Wed. 14:00-16:50 : Seminar Room for Graduate Course
Office Hours (Construction Hall 907) Wednesday 13:00-14:00
Theme/Course of Semester : Social Infrastructure and Public Space -> Syllabus
1. Course objectives
This course is intended to provide students with the necessary understanding the concept of social infrastructure as a way to research and value various kinds of spaces. Social infrastructure helps in recognizing the public dimensions of undervalued spaces. In developing the concept of social infrastructure, this course covers some important issues of social scientific inquiry about social infrastructure and public space, sociality and publicness, and sociality and encounter. An approach to the topic of public space as an social infrastructure presents the public places to life by planning and designing them with the people who use them every day. Based on the understanding of public life in the cities, productive cases of community-powered public spaces will be addressed and criticized.
2. Course Description
Recently, we faces profound social challenges including an aging population, runaway inequality, and explosive ethnic divisions that we can address only if we establish stronger bonds with one another and develop some shared interests. we need to move beyond violent opposition to a perceived nemesis and develop a sense of shared purpose based on commitments to justice and decency. Social infrastructure, the physical conditions that determine whether social capital develops, is the missing piece to building places where all kinds of people can gather is the best way to repair the fractured societies we live in today. When social infrastructure is robust, it fosters contact, mutual support, and collaboration among friends and neighbors. In the course, the elementary forms of social infrastructure will be identified and how they shape conditions in different kinds of places, urban and suburban, rich and poor will be analysed by comparative method.
3. Requirement & Grading
All students are required to attend all studio classes and complete all assignments on time. Any student who has more than three unexcused absences may be failed in the class. Whenever possible, discuss any necessary absences with instructor before you are absent or very shortly thereafter. Each student will submit digital file containing his or her presentation contents to the instructor by the last class. Failure to submit the digital files will affect the student's final grade. An incomplete grade will only be issued when a student is unable to complete the presentation because of a documented illness. A letter from your physician will be required documentation.
-Presentation/submission of assignment 60%
-Participation on lecture and seminar 20%
-Attendance and active participation in group discussions 20%
4, Required textbook & references
[Article & Essay]
- PALACES FOR THE PEOPLE: How Social Infrastructure Can Help Fight Inequality, Polarization, and the Decline of Civic Life, Eric Klinenberg, Broadway Books(2019)
- Social infrastructure and the public life of cities: Studying urban sociality and public spaces, Alan Latham & Jack Layton(2019)
- Global Public Space Toolkit From Global Principles to Local Policies and Practice, UN HABITAT(2016)
- Design for Social Sustainability by Social Life, Social Life(2012)
- Designing Urban Inclusion, Metrolab Brussels MasterClass1(2017)
- Connective Social Infrastructure, Mayer of London(2020)
- Social Infrastructure Report, City of Subiaco(2021)
- Social Infrastructure Report, University of Manchester(2019)
5. Schedule
Week 1 Introduction
- PALACES FOR THE PEOPLE: How Social Infrastructure...(2019)
Week 2 Social infrastructure and the public life(1) / Lecture
INFRASTRUCTURE, SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE, AND HOW TO STUDY IT | AN INFRASTRUCTURAL APPROACH TO PUBLIC LIFE | TOWARDS A POLITICS OF PROVISION -> Social infrastructure and the public life of cities: Studying urban sociality and public spaces, Alan Latham & Jack Layton(2019)
Week 3 Social infrastructure and the public life / Lecture
INFRASTRUCTURE, SOCIAL INFRASTRUCTURE, AND HOW TO STUDY IT | AN INFRASTRUCTURAL APPROACH TO PUBLIC LIFE | TOWARDS A POLITICS OF PROVISION -> Social infrastructure and the public life of cities: Studying urban sociality and public spaces, Alan Latham & Jack Layton(2019)
Week 4 Mid_autumn Festival
Week 5 Understanding Public Space(1)
Urban Life, Planning & Design, Power, and Policy / Lecture | The Cases for Public Space(11 cases) / Presentation(11) | Goals and Constraints / Lecture -> Global Public Space Toolkit From Global Principles to Local Policies and Practice, UN HABITAT(2016)
Week 6 Understanding Public Space(2)
Principles and Policies(General Policies+Context-Specific Policies / Lecture | Turning good principles into action(General Principles of 62 cases) / Presentation(62) -> Global Public Space Toolkit From Global Principles to Local Policies and Practice, UN HABITAT(2016)
Week 7 Understanding Public Space(3)
Turning good principles into action(cont.) / Presentation(cont.) | Conclusion & Charter of Public Space(UN) / Lecture -> Global Public Space Toolkit From Global Principles to Local Policies and Practice, UN HABITAT(2016)
Week 8 Mid_Exam.
Week 9 Design for Social Sustainability by Social Life
Peoples and social sustainability / Lecture | Designing in social sustainability / Presentation(4) -> Design for Social Sustainability by Social Life, Social Life(2012)
Week 10 Designing Urban Inclusion(1) / Lecture
Experiencing transdisciplinarity through urban policy research | Brussels' urban inclusion as a design matter | Four challenges of inclusion in Brussels | Rethinking Hospitality in an Era of Global Closure | Designing Infrastructures of Inclusion -> Designing Urban Inclusion, Metrolab Brussels MasterClass1(2017)
Week 11 Designing Urban Inclusion(2) / Presentation
Sites & Projects(4 sites) -> Designing Urban Inclusion, Metrolab Brussels MasterClass1(2017)
Week 12 Designing Urban Inclusion(3) / Lecture
Inclusive urbanism as gatekeeping | The qualities of hospitality and the concept of 'inclusive city' | Questioning some forms and qualities of urban togetherness: friendliness, inclusion, hospitality | The EU's social and urban policies from the perspective of inclusion History and usage of the concept | ->
Designing Urban Inclusion, Metrolab Brussels MasterClass1(2017)
Week 13 Connective Social Infrastructure(1)
Social Infrastructure, Social Integration and Social Value / Lecture Area Snapshot and Key Findings(10) / Presentation
1. Informal social infrastructure plays a critical role in the lives of Londoners, alongside recognised formal social infrastructure 2. Social infrastructure is an ecosystem, where different types of provision form a community of interconnected support 3. Formal social infrastructurebrings people from different backgrounds together 4. Arrange of local social infrastructure supports greater participation and civic engagement 5. Inclusive social infrastructure helps to tackle inequalities by providing Londoners with support, help and advice 6. In rapidly changing neighbourhoods, change is most often noticed through the arrival of new informal social infrastructure, such as shops, cafes and pubs 7. There is a lack of consistency in how social infrastructure is understood, assessed, planned and delivered across local authorities 8. Community ownership increases social integration and boosts social capital 9. Successfully programmed and well-managed social infrastructure builds and develops relationships 10. Social infrastructure supports the resilience of London's communities and responds rapidly to change
-> Connective Social Infrastructure, Mayer of London(2020)
Week 14 Connective Social Infrastructure(2)
Area Snapshot and Key Findings(10) / Presentation(cont.) Ingredients for Social Integration / Lecture Area of Action(6) / Presentation Making the Most of Social Infrastructure(3) / Presentation -> Connective Social Infrastructure, Mayer of London(2020)
Week 15 Connective Social Infrastructure(3)
Design Consideration for of Social Integration(3) / Presentation Precedent Library(10) / Presentation -> Connective Social Infrastructure, Mayer of London(2020)
Week16 Final-Exam.

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