Professor : LEE Inhee
Year/Semester : 2021/1
Course : Community Resilience and Practice
Time : Thu. 16:00~
Course Objective -> syllabus
Resilience to be considered as one of the defining issue of this century. There are changes already in motion such as climate warming and other conditions arising from chronic urban stresses such as high unemployment, extreme wealth discrepancies, violence and water shortages that are increasingly difficult to mitigate against. These are happening with such acceleration that many societies are caught out with insufficient time and other resources to adapt in a seamless and timely manner. On this course, We will explore many ways that architectural academics and practicing architects are engaging with issues of resilience and study emerging knowledge to set it in a theoretical context.
Course Description
Resilience will be a defining quality of the twenty-first century. As we witness the increasingly turbulent effects of climate change, the multiple challenges of resource depletion and wage stagnation, we know that our current ways of living are not resilient.
This course takes community resilience as a transformative concept to ask where and what architecture might contribute. Bringing together cross-disciplinary perspectives from architecture, urban design, art, geography, building science and psychoanalysis, it aims to study multiple perspectives of research, spatial strategies and projects that are testing how we can build local resilience in preparation for major societal challenges, defining the position of architecture in community resilience discourse.
1. Trogal, K., Bauman, I., Lawrence, R., & Petrescu, D. (Eds.). (2018). Architecture and Resilience: Interdisciplinary Dialogues (1st ed.). Routledge.
2. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine 2019. Building and Measuring Community Resilience: Actions for Communities and the Gulf Research Program. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.
References -> page 2017
article_Modelling Measuring and Visualising Community Resilience-A Systematic Review 2020
article_The conceptual framework of community resilience of the flat residents 2018
report_Building Community Resilience Report
report_Building livelihood and community resilience 2019
report_Community Resilience Indicator Analysis-County Level Analysis of Commonly Used Indicators From Peer Reviewed Research 2018
Requirements & Grading
All students are required to attend all classes and complete all assignments on time. Any student who has more than three unexcused absences may be failed in the class. Whenever possible, discuss any necessary absences with instructor before you are absent or very shortly thereafter. An incomplete grade will only be issued when a student is unable to complete the class because of a documented illness. A letter from your physician will be required documentation.
-Presentation 60%
-Assignment 30%
-Attendance and active participation in group discussions 10%
Week 1 Introduction
Week 2 Resilience - Definitions and Concepts -> week2 : Resilience & Human scale
Week 3 Preview - documentry about community resilience
Week 4 Overview(1) Building & Measuring Community Resilience(1) -> week4 : measuring community resilience(1)
Week 5 Overview(2) Building & Measuring Community Resilience(2) -> week5 : measuring community resilience(2) | City Resilience Index_Rockefeller Foundation(2015)
Week 6 tr> |
Week 5 Overview(3) Building & Measuring Community Resilience(3) -> week6 : measuring community resilience(3) | report_Prepared Communities-implementing the Urban Community Resilience Assessment in Vulnerable Neighborhoods of Three Cities 2019
Week 7 Overview(4) Building & Measuring Community Resilience(4) -> week7 : measuring community resilience(4)
Week 8 Mid-Discussion
Week 9 Overview(5) Building & Measuring Community Resilience(5) -> week9 : measuring community resilience(5)
Week10 Presentation/discussion(2) - Dialogue I
Week11 Presentation/discussion(3) - Dialogue I
Week12 Presentation/discussion(4) - Dialogue II
Week13 Presentation/discussion(5) - Dialogue II
Week14 Presentation/discussion(6) - Dialogue II
Week15 Final Discussion