Prof. LEE Inhee, Construction Hall 907, office/051-510-7634 samlih@pusan.ac.kr www.samlih.com
Wednesday 4:00-6:50pm: Seminar Room for Graduate Course
Office Hours (Construction Hall 907) Wednesday 3:00-4:00pm
Theme/Course of Semester : Criticism of Place and Placelessness
1. Course objectives
Space is not a void or an isometric plane or a kind of container that holds places. It need to study the relationship of space to a more experientially-based understanding of place, space too must be explored in terms of how people experience it. There are many idea of place, though understanding it in different ways and using it for different theoretical and practical ends. three major criticisms of place and placelessness: that it is essentialist; out of touch with what places really are today; and structured around simplistic dualisms that misrepresent and limit the range of place experience, particularly the possibility of a global sense of place. The crucial question that both theory and practice should ask is how a progressive sense of place and insideness can be made even in the context of our relativist, constantly-changing postmodern world. Based on the understanding of difference between place and placelessness, remarkable demonstration of the potential conceptual and practical power of place, which, by its very nature, gathers worlds spatially and environmentally, marking out centers of human action, intention, and meaning that, in turn, will be done during class and help make place.
2. Course Description
The two small investigations of place and placelessness are intended both to trial the technology per se and to allow us to establish the usefulness of a qualitative approach to its evaluation. Techniques from the social sciences have much to offer in this kind of research. These include direct observation or more commonly, video-recording, although free-form or semi-structured interviews and the collection of relevant artifacts also play significant roles. Accompanying these qualitative data elicitation techniques are a raft of methods for their analysis. Of particular interest here are discourse analysis approaches which are used to identify higher- level discourse fragments and action sequences. The approach is one of identifying themes and regularities from the data, rather than formal hypothesis testing. The work analyses data from participants' subjective reports of their experience. The subjective/objective debate remains a lively topic in the Presence community. We maintain the position that both types of data are necessary to further a full understanding of experiential phenomena such as presence and sense of place.
3. Requirement & Grading
All students are required to attend all studio classes and complete all assignments on time. Any student who has more than three unexcused absences may be failed in the class. Whenever possible, discuss any necessary absences with instructor before you are absent or very shortly thereafter. Each student will submit digital file containing his or her presentation contents to the instructor by the last class. Failure to submit the digital files will affect the student's final grade. An incomplete grade will only be issued when a student is unable to complete the presentation because of a documented illness. A letter from your physician will be required documentation.
-Presentation/submission of assignment 60%
-Particitation on lecture and seminar 20%
-Attendance and active participation in group discussions 20%
4, Required textbook & references
Place and Placelessness(revised), Edward Relph, Pion
A Summary Version of Place and Placelessness, Edward Relph(2018)
Topics on http://www.placeness.com/
Place, Sense of Place and Presences, Phil Turner and Susan Turner
A home for the excluded, Tilda Kristersson(2013)
Architectures of Place: Building on Legacy, DOMINIQUE BONNAMOUR-LLOYD, 87 ACSA ANNUAL MEETING
Dealing with non-place
in exploitation, belonging and drifting, Gunnar Sandin
And others will be available at class
Topics on http://www.placeness.com/
5. Presentation files
- presentation_01 : introduction1_3
- presentation_02 : chapter 4-5
- presentation_03 : chapter 6-7
6. Schedule
Week 1 Introduction : Understanding the conceptual background
Week 2 Chapter 1 : Place and the phenomenological basis of geography
Week 3 Chapter 2 : Space and place
Week 4 Chapter 3 : The essence of place
Week 5 Chapter 4 : On the identity of places
Week 6 Chapter 5 : A sense of place and authenticating place-making
Week 7 Chapter 6 : Placelessness
Week 8 Mid_discussion
Week 9 Chapter 7 : Experiences of the present-day landscape
Week10 Chapter 8 : Prospects for places(1)
Week11 Chapter 9 : Prospects for places(2)
Week12 Presentation/Discussion(1) : measuring the attributes of places
Week13 Presentation/Discussion(2) : creating the sence of places in Busan
Week14 Presentation/Discussion(3) : criticism of place and placelessness
Week15 Final Presentation & Discussion