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Prof. LEE Inhee, Construction Hall 907, office/051-510-7634 samlih@pusan.ac.kr www.samlih.com
Wednesday 4:00-6:50pm: Seminar Room for Graduate Course
Office Hours (Construction Hall 907) Wednesday 3:00-4:00pm
Theme/Course of Semester : Architecture and Resilience on the Human Scale
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1. Course objectives
In order for architecture to rethink itself, it must not be constrained by the limitations of tradition. Course attempts to show that there is a consistent body of critical thought on architecture that exists outside of mainstream architectural discourse. The question of what is relevant to architecture will have been reconsidered, and the very definition of architecture will have been revised. Architecture will have been rethought.
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2. Course Description
Architecture is the product of a way of thinking. If the problems of architecture are to be traced to their roots, then attention needs to be focused on the thinking and considerations that inform its production. Material showed in course has been selected to address these questions. The theme of course is Architecture and Resilience on the Human Scale and contents have been divided into three sections - Building Local Resilience: Bricks and feelings ; Resilience Within the Legacy of the Modern City ; Building Local Resilience: Can it be planned for?
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3. Requirement & Grading
All students are required to attend all classes and complete all assignments on time. Any student who has more than three unexcused absences may be failed in the class. Whenever possible, discuss any necessary absences with instructor before you are absent or very shortly thereafter. Each student will present his(her) assignment of given issue and discuss at seminar on given time, will submit printed materials of his(her) presentation to Professor. Failure to present and submit his(her) assignment will affect the student¡¯s final grade.
An incomplete grade will only be issued when a student is unable to complete the work because of a documented illness. A letter from your physician will be required documentation.
Presentation/submission of assignment 60%
Semester Final report 20%
Attendance and active participation in group discussions 20%
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4, Required textbook : Architecture and Resilience on the Human Scale, The University of Sheffield, 2015(Cross-Disciplinary Conference Sheffield 10-12 September 2015)
-> Architecture and Resilience on the Human Scale_1(1-84) | Architecture and Resilience on the Human Scale_2(85-150) | Architecture and Resilience on the Human Scale_3(150-224) | Architecture and Resilience on the Human Scale_4(225-302) | Architecture and Resilience on the Human Scale_5(305-376) | Architecture and Resilience on the Human Scale_6(377-446) | Architecture and Resilience on the Human Scale_7(447-508) | Architecture and Resilience on the Human Scale_8(509-584) | Architecture and Resilience on the Human Scale_9(585-618) | Architecture and Resilience on the Human Scale_10(619-704)
Reference book : City Resilience Framework, Ove Arup & Partners International Limited, 2014 | How To Make Cities More Resilient | Building_Resilience_in_Boston | SFEI_2015_Landscape Resilience Framework
Additional Materials(03.22) : 01_The Architecture of Metabolism-Inventing a Culture of Resilience | 02_Urban Hazard Mitigation_Creating Resilient Cities | 03_Community consultation for long-term climate-resilient housing in Vietnamese cities | 04_Six-Foundations-for-Building-Community-Resilience
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Resilience will be a defining quality of the global 21st century. As we approach the unknown and unpredictable effects of climate change, and the multiple challenges of resource depletion, loss of welfare and economic crises, we know that our current ways of living are not resilient. Our urban infrastructures, our buildings, our economies, our ways of managing and governing are still too tightly bound to models of unrestrained free-market growth, individualism and consumerism. Research has shown that the crises arising from climate change will become increasingly frequent and increasingly severe. What is also known is that the effects of climate change are not evenly distributed across places and people, and neither are the resources needed to meet these challenges. We will need place specific responses that engage with, and emerge from, citizens ourselves.
Focuses on co-production as a key component for resilience activity on the human scale. Whilst this is one standpoint amongst many, we recognise that university-community partnerships and notions of ¡°co-producing research¡± have been increasingly on the agenda, with the belief that knowledge needs to be directed and created with those who need it most. In the field of architecture and planning, this follows a longer tradition of participation and signals not only a move towards ethical forms of knowledge production but new opportunities for collective action in making the city.
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6. Schedule
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Week 1 3/8(Wed.) - Lecture
Introduction : Theme - Architecture and Resilience on the Human Scale: Ethical and political concerns, agencies, co-production and socio-technological strategies in research and practice
-> p11, Architecture and Resilience on the Human Scale, The University of Sheffield, 2015
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Week 2 3/15(Wed.) - Lecture
Part 1 - Building Local Resilience: Bricks and feelings
Building Resilience in the Built Environment , Keeping Imagination Alive and Thriving in the Culture of Uncare
-> p25, Architecture and Resilience on the Human Scale, The University of Sheffield, 2015
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Week 3 3/22(Wed.) - Presentation/Discussion
2. Co-Housing : Building Eco-Homes for All: Inclusivity, justice and affordability, Co-Housing Developments for Resilience in Housing: Knowledge transfer to increase the number of co-housing developments, Resilience: Co-fighting the crisis
-> p85, Architecture and Resilience on the Human Scale, The University of Sheffield, 2015
3. Theories for Resilience : Greenhouse Superstructures as Social Pedestals: Displaying site-specific non-locality as a possible form of resilience, The Magical Encounter Between Resiliency and Emancipation? A whatever architecture, Values, Watersheds and Justification: On the handling of water in the urban landscapes of climate change
-> p113, Architecture and Resilience on the Human Scale, The University of Sheffield, 2015
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Week 4 3/29(Wed.) - Presentation/Discussion
4. Strategies for Mitigation : The PassivHaus Standard: Minimising overheating risk in a changing climate, Resilient Architecture via Intelligent Stimuli-Responsive Structures, Pret-a-Loger: Zero-energy home with maximum living quality increase
-> p151, Architecture and Resilience on the Human Scale, The University of Sheffield, 2015
5. Collective Agency : Interdependence and Sustainable Collective Action: The case of four collective housing communities in Mexico City, Waste Disposal Practices in Neighbourhoods facing Recurring Crises
Risk and Resistance: Globalization, shifting boundaries of governability and the production of new spaces of conflict and self-government, The Case for a Collaborative Energy Sharing Network for Small Scale Community Microgrids
-> p183, Architecture and Resilience on the Human Scale, The University of Sheffield, 2015
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Week 5 4/5(Wed.) - Tree-planting Day
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Week 6 4/12(Wed.) - Presentation/Discussion
6. Pedagogy : Transition Skills, Learning Comprehensive Building Design through a Resilience Framework, University-Based Rural Sustainable Development Assistance Strategies, Architecture of Multiple Authorship: Beyond the academic year
-> p225, Architecture and Resilience on the Human Scale, The University of Sheffield, 2015
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Week 7 4/19(Wed.) - Lecture
Part 2 Resilience Within the Legacy of the Modern City
Academy Of A New Gropiusstadt: Reality Check, The Resiliency of Racism, Cultivating Ethical Ecological-Economic Sensibilities: Strengthening resilience in Monsoon Asia
-> p265, Architecture and Resilience on the Human Scale, The University of Sheffield, 2015
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Week 8 4/26(Wed.) - Presentation/Discussion
7. Modeling for Resilience : Analysis and Prediction of the Building Energy Consumption Under Climate Change for Xi¡¯an, China, The Gap between Plan and Practice: Actual energy performance of the zero-energy refurbishment of a terraced house, Environmental Simulation for Designing with Climate Change: Framework, experiment and reflection
-> p273, Architecture and Resilience on the Human Scale, The University of Sheffield, 2015
8. Community Resilience, Planning and Place : Interethnic and Resilient Cities: Urban planning in Italy, Developing Community Resilience Through Active Landscape Engagement, The Social Value of Place: The Social Value of Place: An appraisal method for sustainable neighbourhood development, What Does Community Resilience Look Like in Practice? How institutions see the role of communities in responding to heatwaves in the UK
-> p303, Architecture and Resilience on the Human Scale, The University of Sheffield, 2015
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Week 9 5/3(Wed.) - Buddha's Birthday
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Week10 5/10(Wed.) - Presentation/Discussion
9. Co-Production 1 : Participatory Mapping in the Co-Design of the Future North, Future Works: Stories of energy, industry and resilience, Creating a Template for Change: A century of mapping under used spaces in Dublin
-> p343, Architecture and Resilience on the Human Scale, The University of Sheffield, 2015
10. Urban Resilience : Urbanism, Rivers and Resilience, Correlating Urban Microclimate Modelling with Energy Use Data Analysis to Inform Site-Specific Climate Change Adaptation Design, The Social and Spatial Transformative Impact of an Urban Cable-Car: The case of Medellin
-> p377, Architecture and Resilience on the Human Scale, The University of Sheffield, 2015
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Week11 5/17(Wed.) - Presentation/Discussion
11. Collective Agency 2 : Collective actions for local resilience: Learning from grassroots strategies in Sao Paulo, Montagna Viva, The Living Mountain: Conversing with an experiment in making (the local) in common
Resilient Subjects: On Feminist Practices
-> p413, Architecture and Resilience on the Human Scale, The University of Sheffield, 2015
12. Co-Production 2 : Your Home, My Home: Lessons in participatory designing with older people, Social Architectures of Community Resilience: Sharing and ageing in ¡®iconic¡¯ intentional communities, Provocateurs or Consultants? The role of Sheffield School of Architecture in the co-production of Castlegate
-> p447, Architecture and Resilience on the Human Scale, The University of Sheffield, 2015
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Week12 5/24(Wed.) - Presentation/Discussion
13. Low Carbon Living in Cities : Post-Occupancy Evaluation of Apartments: The use of technology and digital interfaces to amplify its efficiency, Technical and Social Redundancy for Low Carbon Living, Climate Resilience in New-Build Social Housing: Challenges, opportunities and unintended consequences
-> p477, Architecture and Resilience on the Human Scale, The University of Sheffield, 2015
14 Resilience, Vulnerability and Climate Change : Tackling Climate Change: Comparing studio approaches in Sheffield and Cape Town, Learning from New Orleans: The construction of resilient strategies for urban ecosystems,
Assessing the Adaptation Capacity of Riparian Vernacular Houses in the Face of Climate Change: Can local wisdom be used to improve flood resilience in Ayutthaya, Thailand?
-> p509, Architecture and Resilience on the Human Scale, The University of Sheffield, 2015
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Week13 5/31(Wed.) - Presentation/Discussion
15. Cultural Resilience and History : Collective Documenting of Extreme Urban Transformations: Evidence of urban resilience during the war in Sarajevo (1992-1996), Looking into the Changing Rural Vernacular Dwellings with a Sustainable View: A Case Study on Bingzhongluo Township in Southwest China, Vernacular form of the Boka Kotorska: Memory, tradition and inherent resilient thinking
-> p539, Architecture and Resilience on the Human Scale, The University of Sheffield, 2015
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Week14 6/7(Wed.) - Lecture
Part 3 Building Local Resilience: Can it be planned for? : The Making And Unmaking Of Local Resilience (and Justice), Fantasy Economics and Resilience
-> p579, Architecture and Resilience on the Human Scale, The University of Sheffield, 2015
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Week15 6/14(Wed.) - Presentation/Discussion
16. Co-Producing Urban Resilience : Co-Producing Urban Resilience, Suffocating Cities: Obstacles to urban self-organisation, Rebuilding Over Time: The Christchurch Convention Centre and The Commons
17. Architecture Practice Research Designing for Resilience : St Rita: A New-Build House designed for climate change adaptation, Amphibious Construction in the UK, Living Architecture: Demonstrating resilience to climate change and resource depletion, Management Before Fabric: Barriers to climate change adaptation, Holzmarkt Village: Participatory neighbourhood development in Berlin
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Week16 6/21(Wed.) - Presentation/Discussion
18 City Debate From Home to City: Scales of Resilience
Architecture and Resilience on the Human Scale: From city municipality to the neighbourhoods, Self-Made City, Sustaining Communities¡¯ Collective Endeavours: Stories from Sheffield
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Week17 6/28(Wed.) - Final Discussion
Copyright@ LEE Inhee. All rights reserved. Department of Architecture, Pusan National University, Korea Email : samlih@pusan.ac.kr Back to top
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